Multi Tasking Staff ( MTS)
Recruitment 2019

Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Desirable: Conversant with the duties of the respective trades with one year experience in the trade.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- per month.
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Desirable: Conversant with the duties of the respective trades with one year experience in the trade.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- per month.
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- P.m
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- P.m
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- Pm
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- Pm
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
ii) Must have knowledge of Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.
Desirable: Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.19900-63200/- Pm
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
ii) Must have knowledge of Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.
Desirable: Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.19900-63200/- Pm
5. MESS COOK: 01
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
ii) Must have knowledge of Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.
Desirable: Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.19900-63200/- P.m
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
ii) Must have knowledge of Indian cooking and proficiency in trade.
Desirable: Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India.
Age Limit: 18 years - 25 years.
Salary: Rs.19900-63200/- P.m
Upper Age Relaxation: 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC category. Ex-Serviceman & Others, if any — As per Govt. norms.
Candidates’ Selection: Academic Qualification .
How to Apply: Educational Qualification, Caste, Age, Experience certificate (if applicable) and any other relevant documents
Candidates must also enclose 02 Self-Addressed envelope with the Application Form affixed with postage stamp of Rs.5/- on each.
Last Date and Address: CO, 255 Transit Camp, Pin- 919255, c/o 56 APO, on or before 08/02/2019.
➤ Application form PDF file — SEE DETAILED ADVT.
MTS Jobs in Delhi Public Library
Total Vacancies: 25 (UR-14, SC-05, ST-02, PWD-01, ESM-03)
Educational Qualification:
i) 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board/ Institute.
ii) Certificate/ Diploma in Library & Information Science.
Age Limit: Maximum 27 years.
Salary: Rs.18000-56900/- Pm
সরাসরি প্রার্থীদের নিয়োগ হবে।
Upper Age Relaxation: 05 years for SC/ST, 03 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD category. Ex-Serviceman & Others, if any — As per Govt. norms.
Application Fee: UR Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST candidates) as Application Fee. Fee can be paid through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of Secretary, Delhi Library Board.
Last Date and Address: Deputy Director (Administration), Delhi Public Library, Dr. Sharma Prasad Mukherjee Marg, Delhi- 110 006, on or before 17/02/2019.
Official website -
Application form PDF file — SEE DETAILED ADVT.
MTS Recruitment 2019, Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment 2019 ,
Reviewed by Karmasandhan Recruitment on জানুয়ারী ২২, ২০১৯ Rating:

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