2000 Peon , Upper & Lower Division Assistant, Steno, Typist | Assam Police job 2019 : online apply now

Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Commerce.
Additional Qualification: Six months experience in Accounting.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Commerce.
Additional Qualification: Six months experience in Accounting.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass
Additional Qualification: Preferably Diploma/ Certificate in Stenography from ITI/ Polytechnic/ any Govt. recognized Institute.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass
Additional Qualification: Preferably Diploma/ Certificate in Stenography from ITI/ Polytechnic/ any Govt. recognized Institute.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years
Salary: Rs.35,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years .
Basic Pay: 30,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years .
Basic Pay: 30,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline.
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
Basic Pay: Rs.30,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline.
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
Basic Pay: Rs.30,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass.
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: Minimum 18 years - 38 years.
Total: Rs.30,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Graduate pass.
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: Minimum 18 years - 38 years.
Total: Rs.30,000/- per month.

Total Vacancies: 400
Educational Qualification: 10th pass
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.10,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 400
Educational Qualification: 10th pass
Additional Qualification: Must have proficiency in operation of Computers.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.10,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.9,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: 10th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years - 38 years.
Salary: Rs.9,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Class 8th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
SAlary: Rs.9,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: Class 8th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
SAlary: Rs.9,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: 8th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
Salary: Rs.9,000/- per month.
Total Vacancies: 200
Educational Qualification: 8th pass.
Age Limit: 18 years 38 years as on 13/06/2019.
Salary: Rs.9,000/- per month.

নোট: এইচএসএলসি / ম্যাট্রিকুলেশন এবং তারপরে উত্তীর্ণ প্রার্থী অফিস পিওন এবং চৌকিদার পদে আবেদন করার যোগ্য নন।
আসাম সরকারের অধীনে বিদেশি ট্রাইব্যুনালের জন্য খালি স্থান রয়েছে। দুই (02) বছর মেয়াদপূর্তির জন্য প্রার্থীদের বার্ষিক ভিত্তিতে পুনর্নবীকরণযোগ্য হিসাবে নিয়োগ করা হবে।
Only candidates who are ordinarily resident of Assam are eligible to apply.
বয়স সীমা: 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC / MOBC category.
প্রার্থীদের নির্বাচন: প্রার্থীদের নির্বাচন লিখিত পরীক্ষার মাধ্যমে, প্র্যাকটিস্যাল টেস্ট, শারীরিক পরীক্ষা এবং ভিভা-ভয়েস যেখানেই প্রযোজ্য হবে।
কিভাবে আবেদন করবেন: আগ্রহী এবং যোগ্য প্রার্থী শুধুমাত্র আসাম পুলিশ, রাজ্য শ্রেনী পুলিশ নিয়োগ বোর্ড (এসএলপিআরবি) এর অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে অনলাইন আবেদন করতে পারেন - https://police.assam.gov.in (নিচে প্রদত্ত আবেদনপত্রের লিঙ্ক দেখুন) তারিখ থেকে 15/06/2019 থেকে 30/06/2019।

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 15/06/2019
Closing Date of Online Application: 30/06/2019
Official website — https://police.assam.gov.in

Online apply URL — VISIT THE URL
2000 Peon , Upper & Lower Division Assistant, Steno, Typist | Assam Police job 2019 : online apply now
Reviewed by Karmasandhan Recruitment on জুন ১৭, ২০১৯ Rating:

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