Staff Nurse Jobs in Rampurhat Health District, Birbhum Recruitment 2018

Vacancies: 01 (SC)
Educational Qualification:
i) GNM passed from a recognized Institute.
ii) Candidate should have proficiency in local language.
ii) Candidate should have proficiency in local language.
Age Limit: Maximum 65 years.
Salary: Rs.17220/- per month.
রামপুরহাট স্বাস্থ্য জেলার বীরভূমের জন্য চুক্তিবদ্ধ ভিত্তিতে ন্যাশনাল শহুরে স্বাস্থ্য মিশন (এনইউএইচএম) কর্মসূচির আওতাধীন। রামপুরহাট পৌরসভায় নির্বাচিত প্রার্থীর পোস্টের স্থান ইউ-পিএইচসি হবে।
Candidates’ Selection: Selection of candidates will be on the basis of marks obtained in Educational Qualification.
Application Fee: Candidates must pay Rs.50/- as Application Fee. Fee can be paid through Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of DHFWS, Rampurhat Health District, payable at Rampurhat.
How to Apply: Educational Qualification, Caste, Age, Experience certificate (if applicable) and any other relevant documents
The envelope containing the print-out/enclosures should be superscribed on top with — “NAME OF THE POST APPLIED FOR ________”
Last Date and Address: Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (DPMU Section), Old Outdoor Campus, Kamarpotty More, Rampurhat, Pin- 731224, on or before 05/12/2018.
Applications should be sent through Registered Post/ Courier only.
Official website of District Birbhum —
For Advt. & Application form, See following PDF file — SEE DETAILED ADVT.
Staff Nurse Jobs in Rampurhat Health District, Birbhum Recruitment 2018,
Reviewed by Karmasandhan Recruitment on ডিসেম্বর ০৩, ২০১৮ Rating:

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