Assam Police Recruitment / post 490 , Sub-Inspector (Un-Armed Branch)

Assam Police Recruitment / post 490 , Sub-Inspector (Un-Armed Branch)

আসাম পুলিশ সাব-ইন্সপেক্টর অব পুলিশ (অ-সশস্ত্র শাখা) - 4018-এর 490 টি পদে যোগ্য প্রার্থীদের আবেদন দাখিল করছে। পুরুষ ও মহিলা উভয় প্রার্থী আবেদন করার যোগ্য। আগ্রহী এবং যোগ্য প্রার্থী শুধুমাত্র আসাম পুলিশ অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে অনলাইন আবেদন করতে পারেন (নীচের URL দেখুন)। শিক্ষামূলক যোগ্যতা এবং চাকরি খোঁজার স্বার্থে কেবল তথ্যের জন্য সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে অন্যান্য বিবরণ নিচে দেওয়া হয়েছে


No. of Vacancies: 490 Nos. (Male: 343 posts (UR-249, OBC/MOBC-74, SC-06, ST(H)-05, ST(P)-09 & Female: 147 posts (UR-107, OBC/MOBC-31, SC-03, ST(H)-02, ST(P)-04)

Educational Qualification:
i) Must be a Graduate in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent stream from a recognized College/ Institution/ University.
ii) প্রার্থীকে আসামের বাসিন্দা হতে হবে।

Age Limit: Minimum 20 years and maximum 24 years as on 01/01/2018. Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC/ST category.

Pay Scale: Rs. 14000- 49000/- with Grade pay Rs. 8700/-

Both Male and Female candidates are eligible to apply. The selected candidates will undergo Training for a period of One year at the Assam Police Training College, Dergaon.
The candidates may be posted in any branch of Assam Police.

Physical Standards:
(i) Male CandidatesHeight — 162.56 cm (160.02 cm for ST candidates); Chest (unexpanded) — 80 cm (78 cm for ST); Chest (expanded) — 85 cm (83 cm for ST)
(ii) Female CandidatesHeight — 154.94 cm (152.40 cm for ST candidates)

Candidates’ Selection: Selection of candidates will be through Written Test, Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Computer Proficiency Test and Extra Curricular Activities. The Written Test will be conducted in all the District Headquarters.
Exact Date, Time and Venue for examination/interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course as well as such information will be also available in the official website of Assam Police —

For more details regarding candidates’ selection norms and eligibility norms, go through the officially released advertisement (See URL/PDF below).

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply online only through the official website of Assam Police — (See Application form’s link given below) on or before 12/11/2018.
NOTE: Candidates who have already applied earlier against the advertisement released on April-2018, do not need to apply again.
Upon successful submission of online application form, the system generated Registration/ Acknowledgement Slip with unique registration number will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it for future correspondence. DO NOT SEND ANY PRINT-OUT/HARD COPY OR DOCUMENTS TO ANYWHERE AT THIS STAGE. All the verification will be done in due course.

For detailed instruction on how to apply online, please go through the officially released advertisement (See below given link/ PDF file for more details)

Important Dates:

Starting Date of Online Application:
Closing Date of Online Application: 12/11/2018
Official website
PDF file (old adv) – SEE DETAILED ADVT.
For Application form, visit — VISIT THE URL

Assam Police Recruitment / post 490 , Sub-Inspector (Un-Armed Branch) Assam Police Recruitment / post 490 , Sub-Inspector (Un-Armed Branch) Reviewed by Karmasandhan Recruitment on নভেম্বর ০৩, ২০১৮ Rating: 5

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