মাধ্যমিক পাশে আয়কর দপ্তরে গ্রুপ C ও D কর্মী নিয়োগের বিজ্ঞপ্তি 2021 | Income tax Group C & D Recruitment 2021
Subject: Recruitment of Meritorious Sportspersons to the posts of Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant, Stenographer Grade II and Multi Tasking Staff – regarding.

QUALIFICATION 1. For Income Tax Inspectors:- (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent
2. For Tax Assistants:- (i) Degree from a recognized University or equivalent (ii) Having Data Entry Speed of 8,000 Key depressions per hour
3. For Stenographer Grade II :- (i) 12th class pass or equivalent from a recognized board or university (ii) Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 words per minute (iii) Transcription: 50 words per minute (English) or 65 words per minute (Hindi) (Only on Computer)
4. For Multi Tasking Staff:-(i) 10th class pass or equivalent from a recognized board or university
No. of Posts (i) Income Tax Inspectors 01 (ii) Tax Assistants 04 (iii) Stenographer Grade II 03 (iv) Multi Tasking Staff 06
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