Baruipur Municipality Recruitment Engineer, Clerk, Typist, Driver, Majdoor, 8th pass job,
Baruipur Municipality Recruitment Engineer, Clerk, Typist, Driver, Majdoor.

Total Vacancies: 01
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering .
Age Limit: 24 years 40 years
Total Vacancies: 01
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering .
Age Limit: 24 years 40 years
Salary: Rs.9000-40500/-
Vacancies: 02 Nos. (UR-01, SC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 10th pass
ii) Computer knowledge
Age Limit: 18 years - 40 years.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 02 Nos. (UR-01, SC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 10th pass
ii) Computer knowledge
Age Limit: 18 years - 40 years.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 02 Nos. (UR-01, SC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 10th pass
ii) English typing speed 30 & Bengali typing speed 20 and knowledge of working with Computer.
Age Limit:18 years - 40 years as on 01/11/2018.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 02 Nos. (UR-01, SC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 10th pass
ii) English typing speed 30 & Bengali typing speed 20 and knowledge of working with Computer.
Age Limit:18 years - 40 years as on 01/11/2018.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 01 Nos. (SC)
Educational Qualification: i) 8th pass
ii)প্রার্থীকে পাঁচ বছরের কম সময়ের অভিজ্ঞতা সহ ভারি ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স থাকা উচিত।
Age Limit: 20 years 40 year.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 01 Nos. (SC)
Educational Qualification: i) 8th pass
ii)প্রার্থীকে পাঁচ বছরের কম সময়ের অভিজ্ঞতা সহ ভারি ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স থাকা উচিত।
Age Limit: 20 years 40 year.
Salary: Rs.5400-25200/-
Vacancies: 06 (UR-04, SC-01, OBC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 8th pass
ii) ভাল শারীরিক এবং ক্রীড়াশাস্ত্র সঙ্গে প্রার্থীদের দেওয়া হবে।
Age Limit: 18 years - 40 years.
Salary: Rs.4900-16200/-
Vacancies: 06 (UR-04, SC-01, OBC-01)
Educational Qualification: i) 8th pass
ii) ভাল শারীরিক এবং ক্রীড়াশাস্ত্র সঙ্গে প্রার্থীদের দেওয়া হবে।
Age Limit: 18 years - 40 years.
Salary: Rs.4900-16200/-
Upper Age Relaxation: 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC category.
Last Date and Address: Office of the Councillors of Baruipur Municipality, Kulpi Road, Baruipur, Kolkata- 700144, on or before 04/01/2019 upto 05:00 PM.
Official website of Baruipur Municipality —
For Advt. & Application form, See following PDF file — SEE DETAILED ADVT.
Baruipur Municipality Recruitment Engineer, Clerk, Typist, Driver, Majdoor, 8th pass job,
Reviewed by Karmasandhan Recruitment on ডিসেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৮ Rating:

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